
Customize a degree that fits your goals

Opening an apple orchard has been Grace 施密特’s dream for years. NDSU的 大学研究学士 program is helping make that dream a reality. 

本来是商科专业, 施密特, 来自亚历山大的大四学生, 明尼苏达州, 想扩大她的教育. Thinking back to her love for baking, 施密特 sought to incorporate hospitality into her degree.   

After meeting with Jessie Bauer, the assistant director of Student Success Initiatives in the Career and Advising Center, 施密特 determined that emphasizing business, hospitality and plant sciences best complements her career goals.

“I personally think it’s really important to have a wide area of knowledge in things. It just helps to know at least a little bit of everything,” 施密特 said. 

The University Studies degree allows students to design a plan that works for their interests and post-graduation goals. Students in the program work with an academic advisor to tailor a plan that will provide a diverse and personalized education. Each degree plan is reviewed and approved by a committee.    

The program is a good fit for students in many different situations,鲍尔说。. “Some students have particular interests in which a traditional degree doesn’t fit. They may be able to combine different minors in a way that creates a curriculum very unique to that student. Other students may have career goals that don’t require a particular degree program, so they want to create something that is unique to their interests and helps them gain the skills they want.” 

“终于, the program is good for those who need a more flexible route to finishing their degree,鲍尔说。. “Because they can choose the courses they take and the way in which they take them, which includes online or in-person classes, they can create something that meets their goals but also fits into their life circumstances.”

The career outcomes with a University Studies degree are vast. Bauer said some students in the program have prepared for professional programs after graduating and others have entered careers in business, 政府, 创业, 非营利组织及更多.   

Some of the courses 施密特 has taken include a class centered around event management, where she got to think more about the use of venues for her future apple orchard. Among her most memorable plant sciences courses was a vegetable crop productions class that introduced 施密特 to rhubarb and expanded her ideas on her future orchard.  

“I had to do a research project on rhubarb, which is something I could grow because you use that in desserts and stuff. I feel like that helped me to get to know about that plant specifically, but it also gave me ideas about how to research other things.”  

施密特 has taken classes both in-person and online, which has worked well for her schedule. 

在她的整个学位过程中, 施密特 said professors in the various departments have been helpful and supportive. Additionally, 施密特 said Bauer has provided her guidance along the way to help achieve her goals. 

“杰西一直都很棒. She’s always very helpful,” 施密特 said. 

施密特 advises those interested in the University Studies degree to check out the options available to make a plan that works for them and to ensure they’re enrolling in the classes they want to take.

“I would recommend it to anyone who wants to make learning easier and to have those different areas of study,”她说。.

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